With subtitle or not?

Let deal first with the myth surrounding cages. Is it cruel? Absolutely not!! Will it stunt puppies growth? Absolutely not!! Will the puppy be psychologically damaged? Absolutely not!!

Used correctly and I stress correctly the cage is an invaluable training aid and as we will see it benefits puppy and humans.

In this article, for ease of description, I refer to puppies but the same applies to older dogs that have been rescued. The cage should be big enough for the puppy to stand upright, turn round with ease and be able to stretch out fully. Please be aware that puppies grow and when purchasing a cage leave plenty of room for growth. You will also need a cover for the cage to make it dark at sleeping times

Introducing a puppy to the cage

First, put puppies bed in the cage, and his toys, making sure that you have remembered to put a non-tip water bowl in as well. Very important, nothing worse than a soggy puppy!!

I suggest that you do not put newspaper or puppy pads in the bottom of the cage during the day as this only encourages the puppy to do his toilet in the box. ( for more information on toilet training see the blog on this subject )

Start with feeding puppy in the cage and always leave the door open. In the vast majority of cases the puppy soon works out the cage is a source of food, sanctuary and comfort. As soon as puppy starts to go involuntarily and settles down you can start to shut the door just for a minute or two, slowly increasing the time span and frequency. In the beginning, don’t leave the room until you are sure that the puppy is totally relaxed in the box.

Having a cage trained dog also means you can put the cage in the car thus assisting good behaviour and safety. If your dog needs surgery the veterinary surgeon will almost certainly suggest restricted movement. It can also assist in cases of separation anxiety, plus in instances of having visitors, and puppy needs a break,  particularly from children!!

It must be stressed that excessive confinement is not desirable, the cage is a training aid and once the dog is happy to go in, eat, sleep and play then the cage just becomes a luxury bed. with other uses if necessary.

Please also be aware that the cage must never be used as a punishment area.

“Women and cats will do as they please and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea!!”

Robert Heinlein

With subtitle or not?

Ray Hodson